Phoenix Public Library has been a Polaris customer since 2007. PPL has a collection of over 1.7 million volumes and circulates over 12 million items annually.
PPL is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona and has 17 branch locations including the Burton Barr Central Library downtown. Additionally Phoenix hosts collections for five local affiliate locations.
The Phoenix Catalog is elegant in its simplicity. One very notable customization they’ve made: When you perform a quick search at a specific branch, the search limit defaults to just material checked in at that location. Naturally a user can choose to broaden their search. But this approach ensures patrons will have a greater chance of finding material that’s available to them.
Customization level:
Tags: Axis 360 eBook Integration, ChiliFresh, Consortium, Content Cafe, Google Maps, Linked Data, Museum Library, NoveList Select, Overdrive eBook Integration, Public